Several different kinds of collateral can be employed, including marketable stocks or bonds, land or buildings, equipment, inventory, and accounts receivable. 可用做抵押品的事物有很多类,包括:上市股票,有息债券、土地、房屋、设备、盘存和应收账款。
With the perpetual inventory systems, manufacturing firms often use accounts such as Materials Inventory, Wages Payable, Work in Process, and Finished Goods Inventory. 因分批法是以永续盘存制为基础,各种成本通过原材料、应付工资、在产品、产成品等账户来核算。
Assuring the cash accounts agree with physical inventory and other accounts. 确保帐实、帐帐相符。
The business can determine the cost of ending inventory and the cost of goods sold directly from the accounts without having to count the merchandise. 企业可以直接从账面上确定出期末存货成本和本期销货成本,而不需盘点存货数量。
We believe inventory and accounts receivable levels are appropriate and well managed. 我们相信,库存和应收账款水平是适当的和良好的管理。
The last part of the essay analyses the pledge of inventory, accounts payable ( security against the warehouse) to finance positions in pattern recognition are given the appropriate risk control measures. 最后,对存货质押、应付账款(保兑仓)、融通仓模式进行风险识别给出相应的控制措施。
Based on sound principles, our policy of asset impairment was introduced in 1992, the Ministry of Finance repeatedly revised the relevant provisions of impairment of assets following the first attempt to the impairment of inventory and accounts receivable. 基于稳健原则,我国于1992年开始实施资产减值政策,继首次尝试对存货和应收账款计提减值准备之后,财政部多次修订了资产减值的相关规定。
The efficiency of the current assets quality can flow through asset turnover, inventory turnover, accounts receivable turnover and operating cash flow and operating profit ratio. 流动资产质量的周转性可以通过对流动资产周转率、存货周转率、应收账款周转率、经营活动现金流量与营业利润比指标分析来进行评价。
Followed by a branch of "the total size of supervisors,"" executives", "leverage factor" and "inventory turnover", is second in importance only" accounts receivable turnover rate "factor. 随后的分支监事总规模、高管人数、财务杠杆系数和存货周转率,是重要性仅次于应收账款周转率的因素。